Educate, Inspire, Support


“My purpose is to educate, inspire and support people to eat real food, empowering them to take control of their health and well-being, to live their best lives.”

“My vision is to be an influencer in the revolution to transform our nation’s nutrition and health – empowering people to be strong advocates for their own health, that of their families and generations to come.”

“My Philosophy is to do this with Grace, Strength and Love…”

I am an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who believes that our body has an innate ability to heal itself, when given a chance.

My Food Philosophy

I love to cook foods that taste good but are also good for you – made from “Real Food” Ingredients, that are free from toxins, preservatives, additives and anything artificial. Through my own health journey, I experienced how food has the power to heal - “You have the power to choose what foods you eat and take control of your own health”.

My food philosophy follows the Ancestral way of eating and living. This basically means eating real nutrient dense food - choosing local and organic produce, pasture-raised animal products or wild-caught fish whenever possible. Following the ways of our ancestors provides a “blueprint” to healthier living. This way of living also empowers you to choose and adapt to find the best fit for our unique needs.

It’s More Than Food

Living like our ancestors is not just about food, it also incorporates lifestyle choices - to move more, prioritise sleep and incorporate practices to reduce stress. It is about being part of a tribe – spending time with family and friends.

“My favourite time of the week is “Family Dinner” on Sunday, when Shane and I are joined by our three lovely sons, their “growing” families and friends - to share a nourishing meal, laughter and stories…”


Certifications and Memberships

• Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (Institute for Integrative Nutrition, New York)

• Functional Nutrition Consultant (The Nutrition Academy Changing Habits Education Program, Queensland)

• Member of International Institute of Complementary Therapies

• Bachelor of Business (QUT - Brisbane)

• Certified BASI Pilates Instructor 
