Maree Fracchia

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Heal ourselves. Heal our planet.

The power to heal ourselves is intrinsically linked to healing our planet.  This was the key message of one of the most impactful podcasts I listened to recently.  

In Rich Rolls interview 414 with Dr Zach Bush MD, they discussed the current world health crisis and provide a direct link between the decline in our health, the spraying of chemicals on our food, the impact on the nutrient density of our food and the degeneration of our planet. In true Rich Roll style, the podcast goes into great depth about how the way our food is farmed, the soil is prepared and treated, and the chemicals that are used to treat weeds and other pests has a significant impact on our gut health and vulnerability to chronic disease.

50% of Australians are currently suffering from chronic disease including arthritis, asthma, cancer, cardiovascular and heart disease, diabetes, and mental health conditions.  This is clearly not an older generation affliction, with 38% boys and 40% girls under 17 having one or more chronic illnesses.

But there is hope, as we all have an innate ability to heal ourselves, using foods that are both nutrient-dense and free from chemicals as our medicine. Dr. Zach Bush in his work with the Farmers Footprint initiative has also seen this ability to heal in the soil, through the implementation of regenerative agriculture.  These farming practices focus on rebuilding organic matter and living organisms in the soil, limiting the need for pesticides and producing food with increased nutrient density. This has a flow on effect of sequestering excess atmospheric carbon underground to reverse the effects of climate change. 

“Grace defined scientifically is the ability to heal faster than you injure. I see this in my clinic and in the soil. I see people who have abused their bodies for decades. They just give a pause, do a couple of short term fasts, give their gut a break, give their immune system a break, get away from chemicals, grow some of their own food, make these simple little decisions; and suddenly decades of damage is reversed in hours, weeks, and months. That’s grace at the cellular level.” Dr. Zach Bush MD

This podcast challenged me to ask – What can I do?

  • Be mindful in my food choices and question where my food comes from

  • Support local and regenerative farmers who are caring for the land, their animals and our planet

  • Choose fresh, colourful and seasonal produce that is organic (where possible) or spray free

  • Buy only what I need and waste less

  • Have a go at growing my own vegetables and herbs

In making these mindful choices, we are nourishing and healing ourselves, that of our family and our planet.